Military Service

An Honored Farewell to the Soldiers

A Tradition of Good Wishes and Safety for Those Heading to the Army On the day of their departure to the army, a traditional Soldier's Farewell Ceremony is held. Around 10-15 days or even a month before enlisting, the young men gather in a room decorated as a soldier's room and arrange entertainment.  On the day of the ceremony, following the Friday prayer, everyone from the village gathers in...

Military Service in Turkey is obligatory 

Discover the intricacies of Turkey's compulsory military service policy, where every eligible citizen is required to serve in the armed forces Military duty is a part of life in Turkey. All men between the ages of 20 and 41 must complete at least 15 months of military service. For those who are not able to serve, they may be able to receive a deferment or exemption.  Service members in the...

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