An Honored Farewell to the Soldiers

A Tradition of Good Wishes and Safety for Those Heading to the Army

On the day of their departure to the army, a traditional Soldier’s Farewell Ceremony is held. Around 10-15 days or even a month before enlisting, the young men gather in a room decorated as a soldier’s room and arrange entertainment. 

On the day of the ceremony, following the Friday prayer, everyone from the village gathers in a designated area. Women, girls, brides, and children attend the ceremony, and many relatives and friends come from other towns, villages, and districts to join them. 

At the ceremony, a speech is given by an authorized person, and the Imam reads the Quran and leads prayer for the soldiers. After the prayer, the soldiers bid farewell to everyone in the square in an orderly fashion. They are showered with monetary gifts and items such as underwear, sweets, candy, tea, and tea sugar, which they can take to the army. 

Once the prayer is complete, the soldiers tour the village on a car trailer accompanied by drums and zurnas, or they drive the car by themselves covered with a giant Turkish flag. The family and friends wish them luck by making it a big ceremony that is loud and seen. They are very proud of the soldiers, and celebrating those ceremonies, they wish them safety as they depart, and the atmosphere is filled with honor.

The burning of tires in the castle is also a traditional part of continuing the farewell. As the fire blazes, everyone understands that the soldiers are about to depart, and the city gathers to wish them safety and success.

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