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Hot real estate offers are a great way to take advantage of the current market prices and get a great deal on a property. The key is to act quickly, as these offers often won't last long due to the high demand. With a well-timed purchase, you can potentially get a great return on your investment.

Alanya - The City Where The Sun Smiles

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Exclusive sales are a great way to get your hands on products and offers that are difficult to find elsewhere. These properties are selected or specially constructed by UNIQ.


Turkey is a beautiful country with an abundance of opportunities for individuals looking to invest in the country's real estate. In order to do so, it is important to understand the process of opening a bank account, obtaining a living permit and citizenship, obtaining a tax number, and transferring property titles. Additionally, understanding property insurance and DASK, joining a property viewing tour, setting up water, gas, and electricity services, obtaining a real estate valuation report, buying property online, arranging a furniture and shopping tour, or selling your property in Turkey are all important steps to consider.

Bank Account
TAX Number
Title Deed - TAPU
Property Insurance and DASK
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